Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dancers - Diary Entry

Dancers - Diary Entry

This project went relatively well for me. I was able to finish the prints ahead of time! Something that doesn't happen often... I enjoyed taking pictures for this project because I thought it was fun taking pictures of my friend dancing and having a good time. Also, the second model joined and it was fun to see how different their dancing was and still make cool pictures. In the dark room it went pretty quick. In one class I finished the contact sheet but didn't have time to keep working. I thought everything was going well and smooth, until my enlarger wouldn't really work and I had to move over to the 'dark side'. I also had to change the settings of the contact sheet, which actually made me a bit worried, but it went fine. I found the settings for the test-strips rather quickly and it all went pretty smoothly. After a short while I was able to do my big print and after only on trial I was done with my first print, which made me very happy. For my test-strip of my second print I used similar settings, and found the settings for this new picture very quickly. It made me extremely happy when I was done because I wa actually done ahead of time and I'm also very happy that my enlarger has been fixed and i working perfectly fine

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